How much does it cost?

Tandem skydiving

Tandem skydiving costs ~ €180-200 per jump. A freefall videoman may tape your skydive for an additional €80.

You wanna go jumping on your own?

This course can be done on a weekend and costs ~ €350. Generally, the course includes a tandem skydive and two solo jumps with automatically opening canopies.

I want to become a real skydiver!

DThe beginner course costs ~ €500. However, you should always compare the benefits that are included (how many jumps, the fee for hiring a parachute, training material, etc.). Example: at the skydiving club Westerstede you pay €500 for a beginner course which includes 6 jumps with automatic canopy opening, the lending fee, the Absetzkosten (I have no idea how to translate this one), glasses, a logbook (where you record your jumps), a packing belt (for packing your parachute) and the training material. Each successive jump runs from €14-28 plus the lending fee of €4 per jump (Note! Some clubs or skydiving schools take up to €20 per jump). All in all this can amount to €1000 until you finally get your licence.

How much does the equipment cost?

New equipment costs ~ €5.500. There is a used equipment market which can save you loads of money. Depending on the market situation, equipment age or by lucky chance you can get the complete equipment already for €2.750. You have to bargain for at least €2.500. Generally, you may buy it all at once or a piece at a time.
Additionally you will need the following (original price):
Headgear €100-250
Altimeter €100
Suit (generally custom-ordered): €150-300
